Welcome to TBHRR’s virtual home on the web.

Tampa Bay House Rabbit Rescue is a foster-only rabbit rescue serving the entire Tampa Bay area. We provide rescue, care, fostering, and adoption of abandoned and neglected rabbits as our foster home situation permits. We provide free education on proper house rabbit care in order to help make your furry companion feel loved, and to help you learn how they think and behave so that you can have the best experience possible with your rabbit, even if you didn’t adopt one from us.
TBHRR is a proud ally of the House Rabbit Society, and we follow their guidelines and information. We believe that the decades of experience they have gained in rabbit care is invaluable, and provides the best information possible for the care needed to help keep your house rabbit happy and healthy.
The tabs above contain a wide variety of information, as well as application forms. Please take a look around and feel free to contact us with any questions. Like us on Facebook to keep up with all the most recent rescue news!