A licensed House Rabbit Society Educator, Jack joined the rescue in mid-2015. After serving as the rescue’s Treasurer for 5 years, he took on the additional duty of President after Stefanie decided it was time for a break. Very technically-inclined, Jack is the one of the reasons why we have a website, and can do Bunny Basics presentations on the run. He’ll put a picture of himself up just as soon as he figures out how to operate a digital camera.
Baby Gizmo
On October 21, 2011, Stefanie lost her precious heartbun, Baby Gizmo, after approximately six and a half (6-1/2) years. Baby Gizmo was a Harlequin/Dutch-mix with a little white nose and he was such a beloved bunny that he left a giant hole in Stefanie’s heart after he had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge. In her grief, she looked for a way to fill the huge void in her broken heart. After looking at rescue bunnies on a few online adoption sites, she decided that she wanted to help other bunnies who had never known the love that Gizmo did. So, she began fostering bunnies for a couple of years…and as time went by, Stefanie noticed a certain bunny, one that she had previously fostered, who kept getting returned due to her red eyes and sassy attitude, the oh-so aptly-named, Stormy, who was a Dwarf/Himalayan mix, and Stefanie decided to adopt her. Stefanie usually prefers to be more behind-the-scenes to give her other Board members and volunteers a chance to shine in the spotlight, but a lot of the wonderful things that TBHRR has done would have never been possible without her many years of rabbit knowledge, plenty of on-the-job training, appreciated advice from the bunny experts at the Georgia House Rabbit Society, and her secret rabbit-whispering skills! Stefanie and Melissa had a few ideas and they helped convince Amber, a Licensed HRS Educator at that time, to form a new house rabbit rescue with Amber at its helm as its President, and Stefanie, an HRS Educator-In-Training at that time, as its Vice President, in the Winter of 2013. After a ton of paperwork and a collection of monetary donations, TBHRR was incorporated as a Florida Not-For-Profit Corporation effective as of January 1, 2014 and received its designation as a 501(c)(3) public charity effective as of January 3, 2014. Stefanie has been a Licensed HRS Educator since 2015. After serving as TBHRR’s President and Board Chair for over 5 years, Stefanie stepped down to be the rescue’s Secretary, but will always be a Co-Founder of TBHRR.
Tracy is our Vice President.